We believe in the value of hard work. You will sweat more at this gym than you had ever thought possible. There is no gimmick, trendy boot camp or chit-chat. We will encourage you to put your nose to the grindstone for that last rep, because we know that you can do it.
We believe in staying safe in the gym. Injuries sustained during exercise are a terrible thing, and it pains us to see people training inefficiently and dangerously. We use Hammer Strength Training Centre and Nautilus equipment to keep your back, knees, shoulders and wrists safe.
We believe in family. We keep our gyms small and personal. You become part of our "fitness family" because we care about you and your exercise goals. Our relationship with you extends well beyond your wallet; we outright own our properties, so we're free to concern ourselves with helping you rather than covering overheads and paying banks.